Dracula Fish Found in Mekong River

Dracula Fish Found in the Mekong River - Mekong River across five countries in Southeast Asia was so much to save endangered species on earth. Recently, researchers found 145 new species in the river giant.

As reported by Telegraph.co.uk, the most prominent of the rare species that is Gecko Red Lips, Dracula Fish, and carnivorous plants as high as seven meters.

Mekong River passing through Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Yunnan province of southern China that is home to some of the most endangered species on earth. Ranging from tigers and Asian elephants, dolphins and the Mekong giant cuttlefish.

Catalogue of animals and plants of new and rare species that have been released in the report (WWF), a new World Wildlife Fund. WWF has also called for protecting the region's biodiversity.

The report shows that every week an average of three new species discovered by scientists throughout the year 2009.

One of them is a vampire fish. These fish have eyes that are bulging almost out and two sharp fangs that grow only 0.6 inches long.

Why is Dracula, as two sharp fangs like a vampire fiction creature shown in the film. But this fish did not suck blood. This fish-like fish brooms famous in Indonesia.

The function of fish body is similar to the fish brooms, namely using his body to suck. Its function, so that his body remain unchanged position on the rocks when the flow of water to flow faster. The newly discovered fish species was named Danionella Dracula.

Other animals found are 'gecko lipstick'. The giant gecko or a lizard have nan sexy red lips. There is also a carnivorous plant that traps insects. Height could reach about seven meters.

"No doubt this area is one of the richest in terms of biodiversity, but it is also one of the most threatened," said Stuart Chapman, WWF's director of regional conservation.
