Superbious: What does Superbious Mean?

For those who aren’t familiar with urban words, superbious may seem foreign, and it may be a bit frustrating when trying to find the definition. Though superbious may not be defined in Merriam Webster’s Dictionary it is gaining popularity in urban cultures. For those asking, “What does Superbious mean?” the answer is found in the Urban Dictionary.

Superbious is not a valid Scrabble word. Even Google can not translate and not Superbious Wikipedia article in at least as I write this post. But after the Internet was searched using somewhile “Superbious search engines, I found the Superbious brief explanation of what Superbious occurrence of the word” pride. adj., proud, haughty, arrogant, – from the Latin “proud and beautiful, like glorious.
Superbious means just as it sounds: amazing, great, or that something is super.
