Some April Fools Day Pranks Ideas

April fools day pranks, April fools day, April fools, April fools pranks. April Fools Day is right around the corner, which means you're probably looking for that perfect April Fools Day prank. We'll have great prank ideas and coverage of the best pranks of 2011 this week, but first we thought we'd kick things off with a look at some gags you probably won't be pulling off.

If you are looking for ways to tweak your friends, family and coworkers, these classic ideas might help. Just use your discretion; not everyone gets into the spirit of April Fools’ Day, and some pranks might be inappropriate in certain situations.

    * Opposite day: Treat everything said as an opposite. No means yes, and up means down. Fast means slow, and vice versa. When you are speaking with those you know — and responding to them — keep this in mind. It’ll drive anyone crazy!
    * Auto correct: You can use the “tools” menu in the word processor to change auto correct settings. Pick a common word, such as there, the, or then. Change the settings so that the common word is replaced with something silly, like “hungry hippo.” Every time the word “there” is typed, it will automatically show up as “hungry hippo.”
    * Salt and pepper: This is an old favorite. If you have opaque salt and pepper shakers, switch the spices so that when a family member goes to get salt, he or she winds up with pepper.
    * Change the clocks: Set the clocks in the house ahead by an hour or two. When your victim wakes up, he or she will panic, thinking about how late he or she is. Another April Fools’ Day classic.
    * Find that paperclip!: At work, use the photocopier to make a few copies of a paper clip.

April fools day pranks, April fools day, April fools, April fools pranks.
